新关注 > 信息聚合 > 霍思燕摸好友孕肚显兴奋 与"小鲜肉"合影老公当摄..

霍思燕摸好友孕肚显兴奋 与"小鲜肉"合影老公当摄..

Huo Siyan touch friend pregnant belly show excitement and little meat photo husband when shooting..

2015-06-19 09:16:21来源: 人民网

人民网北京6月19日电 上海,近日,霍思燕、杜江夫妇现身某慈善晚宴。期间,霍思燕着小清新吊带裙秀美胸香肩,与嘉宾朋友热聊狂饮香槟酒,席间遭一位“小鲜肉”求合影老公杜江乐当摄影师。现场,霍思燕与一位挺...

people's Network Beijing on June 19 in Shanghai. Recently, Huo Siyan, Du Jiang couple appeared at a charity dinner. During, Huo Siyan small fresh suspenders skirt to show breast sweet shoulder, the guest and friend chat drinking champagne, dinner, being a little meat for photo husband Du Jiangle when the photographer. Scene, Huo Siyan and a very...