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《梦想世界3D》免费服开测 全新体验欢度元旦

The dream world 3 d free open test A new experience to celebrate New Year's day

2016-12-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《梦想世界3D》手游免费服于今天中午12:00正式开启!喜欢聊天闲逛发呆的侠士们不用再担心时间点的问题啦!想体验这一全新服务器的侠士可以进入官网,填写调查问卷获得预约封测资格,便可以进入游戏便可以和你的伙伴们放肆闲聊!在梦想大陆上畅快游历啦!此外,填写调查问卷的玩家还可以获得封测礼包哟!免费服中更新了许多玩法,元旦活动也即将开启!60级开放的光武更是闪瞎眼!快跟着小编一探免费服的究竟吧! 三种货币设置 彰显公平回合 在免费服中,拥有三种货币。金币:仅能通过充值获得。可用于购买商城道具、便捷打造、洗宠,亦可兑换为梦想币和银两;梦想币:通过在梦想币交易中心出售精品道具获得。用于在梦想币交易中...

The dream world of 3 d mobile game, suit to 12:00 noon today formally open for free! Like to chat around staring blankly chivalrous man they don't have to worry about the problem of time! Want to experience this new server chivalrous man can enter the website, fill in the questionnaire to get an appointment testing qualification, can enter the game can be presumptuous chatting with your friends! In the dream with the mainland travel! In addition, fill in the questionnaire of the players can get gift bag sealing test! In the free service update a lot of style, New Year's day activities will soon open! Flash blind level 60 open light arms! Quick with small make up to find out whether free clothing! Three kinds of currency Settings Fair round In the free service, have three kinds of currency. Gold: only through prepaid phone. Mall can be used to buy props, easy to build, to wash the pet, COINS and silver can be converted into dream; Dream currency: by props to sell high-quality goods in the center of the dream of currency trading. For the dream in currency trading...