新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鲁能PK副班长全力抢分 亚泰客战头号射手缺阵

鲁能PK副班长全力抢分 亚泰客战头号射手缺阵

Luneng PK vice squad leader tried hard to win the battle of Asia and Thailand.

2016-09-10 10:00:50来源: 华体网

9月10日 今晚19:35,山东鲁能将在中超第24轮的比赛中坐镇主场面对副班长长春亚泰。鲁能虽然下周中面临亚冠赛事,但球队在中超中尚未完全摆脱降级压力,而且坐镇主场面对亚泰从未输球,此番也是希望从副...

September 10 tonight at 19:35, Shandong Luneng will be in the 24th round of the Chinese Super League match at home against Vice-Team Leader Changchun Yatai. Although Luneng is facing the Asian Championship next week, but the team in the Chinese Super League has not completely escaped the pressure of demotion, and sitting at home against Yatai has never lost, this is also the hope of vice-president.