新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英特尔发布6款迷你PC 内存硬盘可以自己加装

英特尔发布6款迷你PC 内存硬盘可以自己加装

Intel release 6 mini PC hard drive can be equipped with memory

2017-09-12 11:44:19来源: 太平洋电脑网

近日,该公司又一口气发布了 6 款“Dawson Canyon”NUC 新品,且透露它们将于今年 4 季度上市。与英特尔现已开售的其它 Kaby Lake NUC 机型相比,新推出的 6 款机型显得...

Recently, the company has a breath issued six "Dawson Canyon" NUC new products, and revealed that they will be available in 4 quarter of this year. With Intel now open sale of other Kaby Lake NUC models, compared to six new models appear...

标签: PC